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An event organized by Stephany Piper and sponsored by the Mediterranean Hospital of Cyprus (main sponsor), Exsec, Costas Papaellinas Organization, Intership Navigation, Balens and EuRussAsia.

- Speaker: Dr. Nicolas Nicolaou, MD, MPhil, PhD. Topic: Food Allergy

- Speaker: Christina Demetriadou, PhD Candidate (2018), Laboratory of Epigenetics and Gene Regulation, University of Cyprus. Topic: NutriEPIgenomics: It’s not all in our genes

- Keynote Speaker: M.Sc. troph. Stephany PiperTopic: Understanding Nutrition

Special Contribution (Questions and Answers in Handout Form specially for event)

- Prof. Dr. Hannelore Daniel, Chair of Nutrition Physiology, Technical University of Munich, Germany. Topic: Latest insights on genetic testing and personalized nutrition

- Prof. Dr. med. Margitta Worm, Department of Dermatology, Venerology and Allergology Charite Berlin, Germany. Topic: Latest insights on food hypersensitivity testing

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